1. What do We do with all the data that you supply?

In order to complete this transaction successfully, our team will collect personal information, like the address, name, and email of those who make purchases from us.

If you visit our store and purchase products, we will automatically get your computer\’s Internet Protocol (IP) Address. This lets us collect information on the software you\’re using and your operating systems.

We can send you emails with news regarding our store, brand new items, and much more subject to your consent.

Section 2. CONSENT

What is the best way to get my consent for a purchase?

If you send us personal data us in order to conduct transactions or to verify the validity of your credit cards, place an order, to arrange for delivery or to return a purchased item or item, you are agreeing to its collection and usage solely for the purpose of this.

It is your responsibility to give your consent when you provide us with your personal data to serve a secondary reason.

SECTION 3. Disclosure

Your personal information may be released if it is legally required, or if the Terms of Services are violated.


Our third party vendors will collect, use and disclose your personal data in the limited extent necessary in order to allow them to carry out the functions we provide to them.

There are a few third party service providers with privacy policies regarding information they require us to give them. They include payment gateways and payment transaction processors.

With these companies, we suggest that you review the privacy policies of these companies so that you know the ways in which your personal information is treated by these companies.

Be aware that service providers or their facilities may be located or situated outside of your jurisdiction. The information you provide could be subject to regulation by the laws of a jurisdiction in which a provider of services is located on the basis of your use of their service.

Section 5 – Security

For your protection, we use industry-best practices ensure your safety, use security measures, and adhere to adequate security measures, to ensure that your personal information isn\’t inappropriately misused and/or lost or mistreated. access or divulged, altered or destroyed.

It is guaranteed that your card information will be encrypted by making use of the Secure Socket Layer technology. We comply with the PCI DSS and other industry standards although no digital transfer or storage method can be 100% secure.


If you access this site, you affirm that you are at minimum 18 years of age in your home state, province or country and have supplied us with your permission to allow minor children that you have access to the site.